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Search for 'Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix' returned 66 results.

Pirates of the Burning Sea Goes Open Beta
game: Pirates of the Burning Sea
preview | 12/05/07 | Jamie Gergen
It\'s 1720 A.D. and the seas of the Carribean are the new battlefront for the powers of Europe. Pirates, Privateers, and Free Traders cruise the waters in search of their fortunes, while Navy ships of the line keep as much order as one can with fleets of Pirates sailing their dark colors from the mast. Like pages from a Patrick O\'Brien novel, Pirates of the Burning Sea brings the life on the sea to your computer with fantastic success.
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Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock Review
game: Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock
review | 11/21/07 | George Holomshek
Harmonix may have moved on to Rock Band, but the Guitar Hero franchise still goes strong. The third Guitar Hero features online play, a great song list, and the best fake guitar money can buy. But did Tony Hawk developer Neversoft shred this one up too much? Do a few glaring issues keep this hero from saving the day?
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Company of Heroes Review
game: Company of Heroes
review | 11/04/06 | Sean Hilliard
Best RTS of all time? After sending our strategy freak Sean Hiliard into the battlefield, he realized that Company of Heroes is all that and a bag of potato chips. It might just be the best real-time strategy game of all time, and it is without a doubt the best strategy game of 2006. Get off your footlocker soldier! We have the reasons why you won\'t want to miss this one, private.
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Rengoku II: Stairway to H.E.A.V.E.N Review
game: Rengoku II: Stairway to H.E.A.V.E.N
review | 10/17/06 | Matt James
Usually giant robot fighting is a great way to spend a weekend, hell, even a week. But sometimes it just makes us want to throw our PSP across the room and scream, \"No, bad PSP!\" Rengoku is somewhere in-between. Want to know what the relevance to the acronym H.E.A.V.E.N is? Or if giant robot action and 4-player wireless will save Rengoku II? Or will our Matt James be able to look at his PSP the same after having gone through not one, but two Rengokus? Is it a metaphoric stairway to H.E.A.V.E.N or is there some literal, Jungian translation? Will Led Zeppelin come and play at my birthday party? Well, to quote the great Wayne Campbell: \"No stairway. DENIED!\"
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BAFTA Announces the Britsh Academy Video Game Awards Winners
news | 10/06/06 | Chris Martin
It\'s about damn time the video game industry got a respectable awards ceremony (that\'s a big f#$%-you to Spike TV, by the way). BAFTA actually has given awards to games that deserve them. To all the development companies out there, who put so much hard work into their games, there\'s finally a way to give to them the honor and respect they deserve. This is truly a first step to viewing video games as an art form. This year, LocoRoco and Tom Clany\'s Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter get their due, as do Lego Star Wars II: the Original Trilogy, Dr. Kawashima\'s Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?, and The Movies, among others.
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That Retro Review: Ninja Gaiden III
game: Ninja Gaiden III: the Ancient Ship of Doom
feature | 09/22/06 | Chris Martin
Ninjas will be ninjas. That\'s the story from Ninja Gaiden III, the link between Ninja Gaiden and Ninja Gaiden II. In this week\'s edition of That Retro Review, Chris tackles the tough, nay, the nigh-impossible, Ninja Gaiden III: the Ancient Ship of Doom. He slaughtered Clancy, and took out the BIO-NOID trash. Come on in, it\'s ninja magic time, baby!

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When In-Game Advertising Ruins Your Game
game: Dungeon Siege 2: Broken World
news | 08/16/06 | Aaron Stanton
In-game advertising will have a large impact on the future of the game industry. Not only can it represent another form of post-release content delivery, it helps fund the developers that make the games we love. However, there\'s bound to be some bad implementations as the technology gets going, where game companies test their boundaries to see what gamers will accept. 2K and Gas Powered Games included a voiced NPC in Dungeon Siege II: Broken World that directly references an upcoming PSP game, and it\'s sparked a bit of a negative response from gamers. Take a look here for the details.
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Rush for Berlin Review
game: Rush for Berlin
review | 06/21/06 | Sean Hilliard
Get your combat boots, helmet and double rations of vodka ready. No, it\'s not another night out on the town with the GF! staff, it\'s Rush for Berlin, the latest WWII strategy game. Stop groaning, it actually isn\'t that bad. Especially after a couple double rations of vodka. Check in with GF!\'s shell-shocked and stodgy wargamer, Sean, for more irreverence and colorful insights than you can shake a potato masher at.
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VGA Remake of King's Quest III Released
game: King's Quest III: To Heir is Human
news | 06/19/06 | Aaron Stanton
Following the release of King\'s Quest I and II from AGD Interactive, Infamous Adventures has released a VGA re-make of King\'s Quest III: To Heir is Human. AGD Interactive and Infamous Adventures are both enthusiast developers that have taken it on themselves to reintroduce gamers to the wonders of some of Sierra Online\'s most significant franchises. Made on the versatile Adventure Game Studio, this VGA remake of King\'s Quest III: To Heir is Human let\'s gamers experience one of the best games of all time as if it were new. Plus, it\'s free.
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Hearts of Iron II: Doomsday Review
game: Hearts of Iron II: Doomsday
review | 05/21/06 | Sean Hilliard
Hearts of Iron II: Doomsday may not be the casual gamer\'s best intro to the uberhardcore world of wargaming, but it\'s not half bad, either. If you\'re a n00b to the strategy wargame, then you might want to cut your teeth somewhere else. But if you\'re aching for some serious, strategic global warfare, then Hearts of Iron II: Doomsday might be worth your weekend. Get the full review from our shell-shocked reporter, Sean Hilliard.
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The Ongoing Conflict: Ubisoft's Haze
game: Haze
preview | 05/19/06 | Blaine Krumpe
Ubisoft brings us another military-themed First Person Shooter, Haze, which there obviously aren\'t nearly enoug of these days... But Haze feels a bit different, too. Charged with some serious political satire, Haze gets you all tied up with Mantel Global\'s corporate mercenaries in the ongoing war for democracy. Expect plenty of drugged-up supersoldiers and some tricky ethical decisions, two things we\'d like to see a lot more of in the FPS genre. Get Blaine\'s full preview here.
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UberSoldier! Review
game: UberSoldier
review | 05/01/06 | Tristan Mayshark
If the slow pacing of FPS titles like Half-Life 2 and Doom 3 put you off, UberSoldier might be able to offer a more mindless and action oriented experience at a budget price. Some players will think it\'s a wonderful excursion from the tedious, and some players will quite reasonably hate it. For the former group, this zombie-filled WWII shooter is worth the $29 that you\'ll put down at your local video game store. It embodies old-school first person shooting, executing the genre tried-and-true without all that complicated crap like an interesting plot.
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Nintendo Revolution Becomes Nintendo Wii
game: Nintendo Wii
news | 04/27/06 | Aaron Stanton
According to Nintendo.com, which was partially off-line for part of the morning, Nintendo has kissed the Nintendo Revolution name goodbye. Say hello to the Nintendo Wii, the new and final name for Nintendo\'s next home console. We here at GamesFirst did a double take for each of the two ii\'s, and even have one editor still convinced that the Nintendo site has just been hacked and that this will be cleared up by the afternoon. However, after the website came back up with all the appropriate links in place, it looks like this is official. The Nintendo Wii is here to stay, and the Nintendo Revolution is gone forever. All shall bow before the Wii.
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Galactic Civilizations II Review: Dread Lords?! $#!t, there goes the planet...
game: Galactic Civilizations II: Dread Lords
review | 04/07/06 | Chris Martin
Since we first saw Galactic Civilizations II: Dread Lords at E3 2005, we were hooked. Ready to take on the universe, so to speak, to get our grubby hands on a copy. We got our preview build a while back. But now we have the final product; does it blow our socks into the black nothingness of space, or leave us as cold as Pluto? Find out inside Chris Martin\'s review.
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Galactic Civ II Gets a Beta Patch, Stranger gets a Developer Diary
news | 03/26/06 | Chris Martin
If you, like we here at GamesFirst, can\'t stop playing Galactic Civilzations II: Dread Lords, you owe it to yourself to pick up the new patch. Adding a host of fixes and additions, the patch keeps improving on an already stellar title. Also inside: \"Stranger\" developer diary sheds a little light on the upcoming title.
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